Manuia Samoa is an .19 acre communal project led by filmmakers, educators, health experts, Matai Chiefs, government officials, architects, curators, and archivists. Collectively we have begun the arduous labor of locating, identifying, and documenting authentic Samoan pharmacopeia experts who can demonstrate our phytotherapeutic healing arts which are almost on the brink of extinction. We house this history in a modern social wellness hub built by the community it serves.
The geographic location of Tutuila, American Samoa,, makes Manuia Samoa a very complicated and unique development project. Our access to technology is minimal, with slow internet access and other undeveloped infrastructure. Our airport can only accommodate two international flights a week. To date, only a few Elders are qualified to teach our medicinal arts, and no one is documenting these procedures in a systematic way.
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After three years of endless searching we were blessed to finally locate, negotiate and purchase a rare non communal lot that overlooks the southern coastline of Tutuilla. Due to its high elevation the area poses no threat from Tsunami and the area is labeled the Beverly Hills of American Samoa.
A quick promo featuring Historian Chris Ausage at his family plantation where he supervises the planting, cultivation and harvesting of Taro, Coconut, and Bananas.
Hakeem Khaaliq documents the Samoan warrior martial art of fire knife dancing. (Dancer Lemalie Eniata Uila)